Montag, 14. Dezember 2009

"Your article in Mine Water and the Environment is now online at SpringerLink"

Diese tolle Nachricht fand ich heute früh in meinem Postfach. Das Paper wurde als "Online First" Publikation bei eingestellt und kommt in eine der nächsten Ausgaben der Mine Water and the Environment. Vielleicht wollt ihr mal die Zusammenfassung (Abstract) lesen:

Zeitschrift: Mine Water and the Environment 
Verlag:  Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 
ISSN: 1025-9112 (Print) 1616-1068 (Online) 
Kategorie: Technical Communication 
DOI: 10.1007/s10230-009-0094-4 
Fachgebiete: Geo- und Umweltwissenschaften 
SpringerLink Date: Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2009

Received: 12 September 2009  
Accepted: 23 November 2009  
Published online: 11 December 2009 

Abstract Flooded underground mines provide an innovative opportunity to extract low-grade geothermal energy. To evaluate these geothermal systems, in situ rock sampling and the investigation of thermal (heat conduction) and hydraulic rock properties (thermal convection) is essential. This paper discusses how these geothermal parameters were determined using Freiberg grey gneiss rock samples from the Alter Tiefer Fürstenstolln gallery, where a geothermal mine water project has been successfully carried out in Spring, 2009. Unsteady autoclaving with the unsteady-state two-box method allowed us to measure the permeability of the nearly impermeable gneiss. As expected, samples drilled perpendicular to the rock foliation plane had lower permeabilities than those drilled parallel. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the permeability varied due to the existence of fissures and the amount of the mantle pressure. The thermal conductivity was also anisotropic, and was higher in samples drilled parallel to the foliation than in those drilled perpendicular to it. Since gneiss is nearly nonporous, the effect of waterlogged pores on the thermal conductivity is minimal. The radiogenic heat production of the sampled Freiberg grey gneiss was found to lie in the lower half of the range of upper crustal metamorphic rocks.

Keywords  Mine water utilization - Geothermics - Geothermal  energy -
 Water flow - Heat transport - Geothermal parameters

Hach, ich freu mich so! Mein erstes Weihnachtsgeschenk ;-) Und im März soll das Paper übrigens auch in die gedruckte Ausgabe der Mine Water and the Environment kommen.

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